[高血压医学论文] 【关键词】 AO解剖钢板
【摘要】 目的 观察用AO解剖钢板内固定加植骨术治疗陈旧性骨折的疗效。方法 在持续硬膜外麻醉下,取胫骨前外侧弧形切口,复位、纠正骨折畸形,AO解剖钢板固定骨折断端,取自体骨(松质骨)移植于骨折间隙或骨质缺损处。结果 16例患者骨折畸形均纠正,骨折全部愈合,患肢功能恢复良好,内固定去除时间平均为13个月。结论 AO解剖钢板内固定加植骨术治疗陈旧性胫骨骨折是一种可靠、疗效肯定的治疗方法。
【关键词】 AO解剖钢板;自体骨移植;胫骨陈旧性骨折 The treatment effect of dated tibia fracture by AO anatomizeness armor plate and planting bone
【Abstract】 Objective To observe the treatment effect of dated tibia fracture by AO anatomizeness armor plate and planting bone.Methods To make the arc-shaped cutting on the front outboard of shank,then getting diaplasis and redress the abnormality fracture,setting AO anatomizeness armor plate on the faultage of bone and taking the alveolus of oneself plant there.Results The 16 cases got rectification of fracture.All cases got concrescence and the function of broke limbs recover well.The time of getting rid of fixation average 13 months.Conclusion It is a credible and effective method that treatment of dated tibia fracture by AO anatomizeness armor plate and planting bone.
【Key words】 AO anatomizeness plate;planting bone oneself;dated tibia fracture