论文目录 | |
Chapter One Introduction | 第1-9
页 |
Chapter Two Traditional Study of Gender Bias in English | 第9-19
页 |
2.1 Lexical Asymmetries | 第9-11
页 |
2.2 Speech Difference Between Two Genders | 第11-13
页 |
2.3 Solutions Offered By Linguists Engaged in Traditional Study of Sexism | 第13-14
页 |
2.4 Theoretical Background of Traditional Study of Sexism in English | 第14-19
页 |
2.4.1 Re-examining the traditional study of sexism in English | 第14-17
页 |
2.4.2 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis | 第17-19
页 |
Chapter Three New Ways of Probing into Gender Bias in English | 第19-26
页 |
3.1 Discourse Analysis | 第19-20
页 |
3.2 Systemic Functional Grammar as A Theoretical Guidance | 第20-24
页 |
3.2.1 Language functions | 第20-21
页 |
3.2.2 Transitivity system | 第21-23
页 |
3.2.3 Mood and modality system | 第23-24
页 |
3.3 Theory of Discourse Role as a Backup | 第24-26
页 |
Chapter Four Sample Analysis of Gender Bias in English | 第26-41
页 |
4.1 Cross-sex Dialogue | 第26-33
页 |
4.2 Monologic Discourse | 第33-41
页 |
Chapter Five Conclusion | 第41-43
页 |
Bibliography | 第43-44
页 |