论文目录 | |
Acknowledgements | 第1-5
页 |
Abstract in Chinese | 第5-7
页 |
Abstract in English | 第7-11
页 |
1. Introduction | 第11-13
页 |
2. Literature Review | 第13-18
页 |
3. Essential Ideas of Descriptive Translation Studies | 第18-23
页 |
· Background of DTS | 第18-20
页 |
· Key ideas and essential breakthrough | 第20-23
页 |
4. Description of the Source text and Presentation of the Ten English Versions | 第23-34
页 |
· Tao Te Ching | 第23-25
页 |
· Commentaries and Translations of TTC | 第25-28
页 |
· Ten selected English versions | 第28-34
页 |
5. Function-oriented and Product-oriented Description of the Ten TTs | 第34-72
页 |
· Function-oriented and diachronic description of the ten TTs | 第35-47
页 |
· Period of Christianization (1868-1905) | 第35-36
页 |
· Period of western adaptation (1915-1973) | 第36-38
页 |
· Period of plural interpretations (1973-) | 第38-40
页 |
· Diachronic differences of micro decisions among the ten TTs | 第40-47
页 |
· Product-oriented description of the ten TTs | 第47-64
页 |
· Problems encountered by both Chinese and western translators | 第48-58
页 |
· Major differences between the English versions produced by Chinese and western translators | 第58-64
页 |
· Intertexuality | 第64-72
页 |
· Intertexuality between the English versions | 第65-70
页 |
· Intertexuality between English versions and relevant sources | 第70-72
页 |
6. Conclusion | 第72-74
页 |
Bibliography | 第74-77
页 |
Appendix 1 Table of English Translations of Tao Te Ching (1868-2000) | 第77-83
页 |
Appendix 2 Total number of the words in the ten selected English versions | 第83-84
页 |
Appendix 3 High-frequency words of the ten selected English versions | 第84-85
页 |
Appendix 4 An Online Database of 40 TTC English versions | 第85-89
页 |