论文目录 | |
Acknowledgements | 第1-5页 |
摘要 | 第5-6页 |
Abstract | 第6-11页 |
Chapter 1 Introduction | 第11-14页 |
1.1 Purpose of the Present Research | 第11-12页 |
1.2 Methodology and Procedures | 第12-13页 |
1.3 Organization of the Paper | 第13-14页 |
Chapter 2 Literature Review | 第14-22页 |
2.1 Overview of Past Interpreting Researches | 第14-16页 |
2.2 Overview of Researches on Sight Translation | 第16-22页 |
2.2.1 An Experienced-based Approach | 第17-19页 |
2.2.2 A Theoretical and Experimental Approach | 第19-21页 |
2.2.3 Strengths of Previous Researches | 第21页 |
2.2.4 Limitations of Previous Researches | 第21-22页 |
Chapter 3 Overview of Schema Theory | 第22-30页 |
3.1 Schema Theory | 第22-28页 |
3.1.1 Definition of Schema | 第22-24页 |
3.1.2 Features of Schema | 第24-26页 |
3.1.3 Two Modes of Information Processing in Schema Theory | 第26-28页 |
3.2 Previous Researches on Schema Theory and Interpreting | 第28-30页 |
Chapter 4 Application of Schema in the Process of English-Chinese Sight Translation | 第30-42页 |
4.1 Daniel Gile's Effort Model of Sight Translation | 第30-34页 |
4.2 Daniel Gile's Comprehension Equation | 第34-36页 |
4.3 Bottom-up and Top-down Processing in Reading Comprehension | 第36-38页 |
4.4 Role of Schemata in Sight Translation | 第38-42页 |
4.4.1 Role of Schemata in the Process of Reading Comprehension in Sight Translation | 第38-39页 |
4.4.2 Role of Schemata in the Process of Memory in Sight Translation | 第39-41页 |
4.4.3 Role of Schemata in the Process of Production in Sight Translation | 第41-42页 |
Chapter 5 Overview of the Experiment | 第42-49页 |
5.1 Research Questions | 第42-43页 |
5.2 Research Design | 第43-46页 |
5.2.1 Research Subjects | 第43页 |
5.2.2 Research Materials | 第43-44页 |
5.2.3 The Variables in the Experiment | 第44-45页 |
5.2.4 Research Procedures | 第45-46页 |
5.3 Scoring of the Experiment | 第46-49页 |
Chapter 6 Experimental Results and Analysis | 第49-56页 |
6.1 Results of the Experiment | 第49-51页 |
6.2 Analysis of the Results | 第51-56页 |
6.2.1 A Comparison between Group1 and Group2 | 第51-54页 |
6.2.2 Summarization of the Qualitative Analysis | 第54-56页 |
Chapter 7 Conclusion | 第56-58页 |
7.1 Summary of the Present Study | 第56页 |
7.2 Application and Implication of the Present Study | 第56页 |
7.3 Limitations of the Study | 第56-57页 |
7.4 Suggestions for Further Studies | 第57-58页 |
Bibliography | 第58-61页 |
Appendix 1. Passages for Sight Translation | 第61-63页 |
Appendix 2. Reference Translation | 第63-65页 |
Appendix 3. Vocabulary List and Background Knowledge Introduction | 第65-70页 |
Appendix 4. Units of Meaning of the Two Speeches | 第70-73页 |
Appendix 5. Questionnaire | 第73-74
页 |