论文目录 | |
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1 Introduction | 第10-15
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1.1 Background | 第10-13
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1.2 Justification & research questions of the present Study | 第13-15
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2 Rationale of the Present Study: A Review of Some Representative Theories of Second Language Learning | 第15-27
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2.1 An overview of second language acquisition | 第15-17
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2.2 Theory of L2 learning: a psych-cognitive perspective | 第17-19
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2.2.1 Declarative and procedural knowledge | 第17-18
页 |
2.2.2 Problem-solving process | 第18-19
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2.3 Language learning Strategies | 第19-27
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2.3.1 Definition of language learning strategies | 第19-21
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2.3.2Classification of LLS | 第21-23
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2.3.3 LLS as cognitive and metacognitive | 第23-25
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2.3.4 Methods of investigating the use of language learning strategies | 第25-27
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3 L2 Vocabulary Acquisition and Strategies | 第27-43
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3.1 Introduction | 第27
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3.2 General conclusion about vocabulary learning strategies | 第27-31
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3.3 Categorizing the taxonomy | 第31-33
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3.4 Discussion of the vocabulary learning strategies taxonomy | 第33-43
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3.4.1 Discovery strategies | 第34-36
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3.4.2 Conclusion strategies | 第36-43
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4 The Present Study | 第43-59
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4.1 Key research questions for the study | 第43
页 |
4.2 The participants | 第43-44
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4.3 The tools of investigation | 第44-45
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4.3.1 The questionnaire | 第44-45
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4.3.2 Vocabulary testing | 第45
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4.4 Procedures | 第45-46
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4.5 Coding system | 第46
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4.6 Data collection & analysis method | 第46-47
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4.7 Results | 第47-56
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4.7.1 Vocabulary learning strategies used in different types of vocabulary learning | 第47-50
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4.7.2 The comparison of same strategy used in two kinds of vocabulary Learning | 第50-53
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4.7.3 The correlation analysis between vocabulary strategy and vocabulary test scores | 第53-56
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4.8 Discussion | 第56-59
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5 Conclusions and Implications | 第59-62
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5.1 Conclusions | 第59
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5.2 Implications for pedagogy | 第59-61
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5.3 Implications for future research | 第61-62
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References | 第62-69
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Appendix 1 | 第69-71
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Appendix 2 | 第71-74
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Appendix 3 | 第74-76
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Appendix 4 | 第76-79
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