论文目录 | |
Abstract | 第1-6页 |
摘要 | 第6-9页 |
Chapter 1 Introduction | 第9-13页 |
1.1 Research background | 第9-10页 |
· Purpose | 第10-11页 |
· Significance | 第11-13页 |
Chapter 2 Literature Review | 第13-20页 |
2.1 Research on subtitle translation in China | 第13-15页 |
2.2 Research on subtitle translation in the west | 第15-18页 |
2.3 An overview of functionalist translation theory | 第18-20页 |
Chapter 3 Functionalist Approaches to Translation in General | 第20-31页 |
3.1 Translation and functional theory of action | 第20-26页 |
3.1.1 Translation as a functional purposeful activity | 第20-21页 |
3.1.2 Translation as a functional interpersonal interaction | 第21-23页 |
3.1.3 Translation as a functional intercultural action | 第23-24页 |
3.1.4 Translation as a functional text-processing action | 第24-26页 |
3.2 Approaches in translation functionalism | 第26-31页 |
3.2.1 Skopos rule | 第26-27页 |
3.2.2 Coherence rule | 第27-28页 |
3.2.3 Fidelity rule | 第28-31页 |
Chapter 4 Functionalist Approaches to Subtitle Translation in Particular | 第31-44页 |
4.1 Foregrounding functional theory of action in subtitle translation | 第31-37页 |
4.1.1 Foregrounding functional purposeful activity in subtitle translation | 第31-32页 |
4.1.2 Foregrounding functional interpersonal interaction in subtitle translation | 第32-34页 |
4.1.3 Foregrounding functional intercultural action in subtitle translation | 第34-35页 |
4.1.4 Foregrounding functional text-processing action in subtitle translation | 第35-37页 |
4.2 Approaches guiding subtitle translation in Kung Fu Panda from functionalistperspective | 第37-44页 |
4.2.1 Reduction as major functional text-processing action | 第38-40页 |
4.2.2 Addition translation as major functional text-processing action | 第40-42页 |
4.2.3 Combining as functional text-processing action | 第42-44页 |
Chapter 5 Subtitle Translation of Kung Fu Panda from FunctionalistPerspective | 第44-66页 |
5.1 Kung Fu Panda and its subtitle features from the functionalist perspective | 第44-50页 |
5.1.1 Language features of Kung Fu Panda | 第44-48页 |
5.1.2 Subtitle translation analysis of Kung Fu Panda | 第48-50页 |
5.2 Elements related to Kung Fu Panda from the functionalist perspective | 第50-59页 |
5.2.1 Element of social background | 第50-51页 |
5.2.2 Element of commercial motivation | 第51-52页 |
5.2.3 Element of culture of innate worth of common Americans | 第52-58页 |
5.2.4 Element of functionalism in source text | 第58-59页 |
5.3 Strategies guiding subtitle translation in Kung Fu Panda from the functionalistperspective | 第59-66页 |
5.3.1 Subtitle translation possibly related to functionalist theory of field | 第60-62页 |
5.3.2 Subtitle translation possibly related to functionalist theory of tenor | 第62-64页 |
5.3.3 Subtitle translation possibly related to functionalist theory of mode | 第64-66页 |
Chapter 6 Conclusion | 第66-68页 |
Bibliography | 第68-71页 |
攻读学位期间主要科研成果 | 第71-72页 |
Acknowledgements | 第72
页 |