【关键词】 ,碱性成纤维细胞生长因子
Preparation and characteristic test of bFGFimpregnated microsphere
【Abstract】 AIM: To prepare the basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)impregnated microsphere and to study its characteristics. METHODS: The bFGFimpregnated microsphere was prepared by improved emulsified coldcondensation method. The physical properties, drug content and encapsulation were detected. The drug release in vitro was measured by ELISA. RESULTS: The average diameter of microsphere was (12.4±3.6) μm, the average drug content was 0.24% and encapsulation was 96.82%. In vitro, 28.23% of bFGF was sustainedreleased on the first day, 57.19% from the second to the fifth day and 93.94% by the seventh day. CONCLUSION: The preparation method is simple, rapid and accurate and the release of bFGF from the microspheres can be sustained for a longer time.
【Keywords】 basic fibroblast growth factor; microsphere; sustainedrelease; encapsulation
【摘要】 目的:制备复合碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)的可降解缓释微球,考察其各项性能,为进一步 应用 于组织工程奠定基础. 方法 :采用改良的乳化冷凝法交联制备复合bFGF的缓释微球,测定微球形态、粒径、载药率和包裹率等,并采用ELISA法考察其体外bFGF的缓释效能. 结果:缓释微球平均粒径(12.4±3.6) μm;平均载药率为0.24%,平均包裹率为96.82%. d 1体外释放28.23%,2~5 d时累积释放率达到57.19%, d 7时释放减慢且累计……