[高血压医学论文] 【摘要】 目的 探计对地钱愈伤组织的诱导和悬浮细胞培养的条件。方法 用MSK2和MS培养基对地钱配子体进行愈伤组织诱导,运用模糊评判对MSK2培养基生长激素组合进行综合性状评价。结果 MSK2和MS(2?mg/L 6BA)均能诱导出地钱愈伤组织,其中MSK2的诱导效果较好。光照(3?000~8?000 lux)能有效地促进地钱愈伤组织生长。激素配比组合是0.5?mg/L 2,4D+2?mg/L NAA+2?mg/L 6BA适合于地钱细胞生长以及次生代谢生产。 结论 地钱愈伤组织的诱导成功和悬浮细胞培养条件的建立,为探索药用苔藓植物次生代谢产物生产提供新的途径以及对苔藓植物细胞规模化培养提供新的理论指导。
【关键词】 苔藓;地钱;愈伤组织;植物细胞培养
To induce callus tissues and establish suspension culture of Marchantia polymorpha L. Methods MSK2 and MS mediums were used to induce gametophytes into callus tissues, and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to assess the optimal phytohormone combination. Results Both MSK2 and MS (2?mg/L 6BA) mediums could induce callus tissue formation, and the MSK2 medium was superior to the MS medium for callus tissue induction. Light intensity(3?0008?000 lux) effectively promoted the callus tissue growth. Optimal phytohormone combination for cell growth and secondary metabolism production was 0.5?mg/L 2, 4D+2?mg/L NAA+2?mg/L 6BA. Conclusions Successful induction of the callus tissues and establishment of suspension culture of Marchantia polymorpha L. provide a new pathway for exploring the pharmaceutical moss to produce secondary metabolism and new theory guidance for suspension culture of……