论文目录 | |
Abstract | 第1-10页 |
摘要 | 第10-12页 |
List of abbreviations | 第12-13页 |
CHAPTER Ⅰ Introduction | 第13-39页 |
1.1 Plant Growth Promoting Endophytic Bacteria: an overview | 第13-16页 |
1.2 Direct and indirect mechanisms by endophytic bacteria | 第16-37页 |
1.2.1 Direct mechanism of plant growth promoting endophytic bacteria | 第17-27页 | Biological nitrogen fixation | 第17-18页 | Siderophore production | 第18-19页 | Phosphate solubilization | 第19-20页 | Phytohormones production | 第20-27页 | Indole-3-acetic acid production | 第21-22页 | Cytokinins production | 第22-23页 | Gibberellins production | 第23页 | Ethylene production | 第23-27页 |
1.2.2 Indirect mechanisms by endophytic bacteria | 第27-37页 |
1.3 Influence of Plant growth promoting bacteria on nematodes | 第37-38页 |
1.4 Aims of the study:The specific aims are as follow | 第38-39页 |
CHAPTER Ⅱ The isolated Bacillus subtilis strain 330-2 and its antagonistic genes identified bythe removing PCR | 第39-62页 |
2.1 Introduction | 第39-41页 |
2.2 Materials and Methods | 第41-47页 |
2.2.1 Strains and growth conditions | 第41页 |
2.2.2 Plant and soil sample collection | 第41-42页 |
2.2.3 Isolation and identification of the bacterial strain | 第42页 |
2.2.4 Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) production detection | 第42-43页 |
2.2.5 Siderophore production detection | 第43页 |
2.2.6 Phosphate solubilization | 第43页 |
2.2.7 Phytase production detection | 第43页 |
2.2.8 Zinc solubilization | 第43页 |
2.2.9 Cell wall degrading enzymes | 第43-44页 |
2.2.10 In vitro antagonistic activity assays | 第44页 |
2.2.11 Plant growth assay | 第44-45页 |
2.2.12 B. subtilis strain 330-2 effects in tobacco plants | 第45页 |
2.2.13 Generation of differentially expressed clones by R-PCR | 第45-46页 |
2.2.14 Sequences analysis | 第46页 |
2.2.15 Statistical analysis | 第46-47页 |
2.3 Results | 第47-58页 |
2.3.1 Identification and properties of the strain | 第47-48页 |
2.3.2 Production of hydrolytic enzymes and metabolites by bacterialantagonists | 第48-50页 |
2.3.3 In vitro antagonistic activity assays | 第50-52页 |
2.3.4 Plant growth enhanced by B. subtilis strain 330-2 | 第52-53页 |
2.3.5 Biosafety and plant growth promoting effect of B. subtilis strain 330-2 | 第53-54页 |
2.3.6 Generation of differentially expressed clones by R-PCR | 第54-55页 |
2.3.7 Identification and functional categorization of differentially expressedgenes in B. subtilis strain 330-2 | 第55-58页 |
2.4 Discussion | 第58-62页 |
CHAPTER Ⅲ Effect of endophytic Bacillus subtilis 330-2 virulence genes on feeding behaviorand longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans | 第62-80页 |
3.1 Introduction | 第62-64页 |
3.2 Materials and Methods | 第64-68页 |
3.2.1 Bacterial strain, plasmid and chemical reagents | 第64页 |
3.2.2 Growth condition for the strains | 第64页 |
3.2.3 Construction of B. subtilis 330-2 genomic library | 第64页 |
3.2.4 Expression of B. subtilis 330-2 genes using pET22b(+) | 第64-65页 |
3.2.5 Food choice index and chemotaxis assay | 第65页 |
3.2.6 Effect of B. subtilis 330-2 genes on egg production rate of C. elegans | 第65-66页 |
3.2.7 Brood size and progeny assay | 第66页 |
3.2.8 Lifespan analysis | 第66-67页 |
3.2.9 Statistical analysis | 第67-68页 |
3.3 Results and Discussion | 第68-80页 |
3.3.1 Construction of B. subtilis 330-2 library | 第68-70页 |
3.3.2 Worm learned to avoid virulent food sources | 第70-74页 |
3.3.3 Effect of B. subtilis 330-2 induced genes on egg-laying behavior of C.elegans | 第74-75页 |
3.3.4 Effect of B. subtilis 330-2 induced genes on brood size of C. elegans | 第75-77页 |
3.3.5 How the genes from B. subtilis 330-2 influence the aging of C. elegans | 第77-80页 |
CHAPTER Ⅳ Summary conclusion and future perspectives | 第80-82页 |
4.1 Summary and conclusion | 第80-81页 |
4.2 Future perspectives | 第81-82页 |
REFERENCES | 第82-113页 |
APPENDICES | 第113-162页 |
APPENDIX-Ⅰ An optimized and step-wise protocol for undesired genes by Removing PCR | 第113-128页 |
APPENDIX-II Substrates utilized as carbon sources by Bacillus subtilis strain 330-2 | 第128-131页 |
APPENDIX-Ⅲ R-PCR cloned sequences involved in biotic and abiotic stresses | 第131-142页 |
APPENDIX-Ⅳ Gene ontology and comparison of R-PCR sequences | 第142-155页 |
APPENDIX-Ⅴ Expression of B. subtilis strain 330-2 genomic library in pET-22b expression vector | 第155-162页 |
Acknowledgements | 第162-163页 |
List of Publications | 第163-164页 |