论文目录 | |
Acknowledgements | 第1-7页 |
Dedication | 第7-8页 |
Abstract | 第8-11页 |
摘要 | 第11-13页 |
Chapter 1: Introduction | 第13-38页 |
1.1 Research background | 第17-23页 |
1.2 Study Objectives and methodology | 第23-28页 |
1.3 Significance of study | 第28-38页 |
Chapter 2 Literature Review | 第38-62页 |
2.1 Theoretical literature | 第38-46页 |
2.2 Empirical literature | 第46-55页 |
2.2.1 The Level of Financial Development and Growth: Cross-Country Studies | 第46-55页 |
2.3 Overview of financial development and economic growth in Pakistan | 第55-62页 |
Chapter 3: Theoretical Background of Financial development of Pakistan | 第62-91页 |
3.1 Recent economic developments and reforms | 第65-72页 |
3.2 Characteristics and stability of Capital Inflows to Pakistan | 第72-88页 |
3.3 Impact of portfolio Flows on the Equity Market | 第88-91页 |
Chapter 4: Empirical Analysis | 第91-105页 |
4.1 Model specification | 第91-94页 |
4.2 Data description | 第94-99页 |
4.3 Empirical analysis & findings | 第99-105页 |
Chapter 5: Application of Findings on Pakistan | 第105-125页 |
5.1 Impact of financial sector on Pakistan Economy | 第107-112页 |
5.2 Steps taken by Government in development of Financial Sector | 第112-115页 |
5.3 Regulatory Reforms taken by Government for Financial up gradation | 第115-125页 |
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Policy implications | 第125-150页 |
6.1 Research conclusions | 第125-131页 |
6.2 Policy implication | 第131-142页 |
6.3 Research prospects | 第142-150页 |
Appendix | 第150-153页 |
References | 第153-167页 |