论文目录 | |
Acknowledgements | 第1-5
页 |
摘要 | 第5-6
页 |
Abstract | 第6-9
页 |
Introduction | 第9-12
页 |
Chapter One Literature Review | 第12-25
页 |
· The linguistic categorization of basic color terms | 第12-17
页 |
· Western studies of basic color terms | 第12-15
页 |
· Domestic studies of basic color terms | 第15-17
页 |
· Polysemy, prototype theory and meaning extension | 第17-25
页 |
Chapter Two Research method and data collection | 第25-29
页 |
· Metaphor and metonymy as explanatory principles in semantic extensions of basic color terms | 第25-26
页 |
· Different senses of “red”in Chinese and English | 第26-29
页 |
Chapter Three Cognitive analysis of the semantic extensions of “red”In English and Chinese | 第29-40
页 |
· Cognitive analysis of semantic extension of “red” in Chinese | 第29-35
页 |
· Cognitive analysis of semantic extension of “red” in English | 第35-40
页 |
Chapter Four Comparing and Contrasting the Chinese and English Color Term Systems | 第40-48
页 |
· A comparison of the grammatical uses of “red”in Chinese and English | 第40-41
页 |
· Cultural information accounting for the similarities and differences in meaning extension of “red” in English and Chinese | 第41-48
页 |
· Cultural explanation of the similar meanings of “red” in English and Chinese | 第42-44
页 |
· Cultural factors accounting for the different meanings of “red” in English and Chinese | 第44-48
页 |
Conclusion | 第48-51
页 |
Bibliography | 第51-55页 |