[大学化学实验论文] 摘要:课程改革的关键在于课程的文化角色、品质、功能的转变。我国基础教育新课程改革,赋予了学校课程全新的文化面貌、视野与旨趣。课程由文化的工具存在转变为文化的本体存在,由肯定性定位转变为探究性定位,由认同性模式转变为生成性模式,实现了学校教育文化范式的根本转换。
Abstract:The key of the curriculum reform lies in the change of cultural roles, quality and function of the curriculum. The new curriculum reform of basic education in China brings the school curriculum the completely new cultural features, insights and interests . The cultural mode of school education has thoroughly changed from the instrumental existence of the culture to the subjective existence ,from the orientation of affirmation to inquiry , from the mode of agreement to generation.
Key words: new curriculum; culture; curriculum reform