论环境法发展观的价值维度 |
[林业专业论文] 摘 要:对消费主义的迷醉构成了现代性发展理念的灵魂。由消费主义所制导的发展观,在逻辑与现实中必然造成人与自然的对峙,并进而导致严重的社会异化和生态环境的危机。环境法走出了消费主义的狭隘伦理观,将和谐理念贯穿于整个法律规范之中,它是站在和谐的角度上反对消费主义。环境法坚持和主导的发展观是协调共生的和谐发展理念,是一种能够体现人与自然、人与社会、人与自我三重价值维度的和谐发展理念。 关键词: 消费主义;环境法;价值维度;和谐发展
Abstract:Infatuation with consumerism proves to be the soul of the ideas of modern development. However, both in logic and in practice, the consumerism-oriented development ideas will inevitably trigger a confrontation between Man and Nature, and further serious social alienation and ecological environment crises. Forsaking narrow consumerist ethics, environmental law cherishes consistence of norms and rules and resists consumerism from the angle of maintaining harmony. The main ideas of development the environment law maintains are coordination, coexistence and harmonious evolution, which indicate a tri-dimensional notion that embodies the values of the relationship between Man and Nature, man and society, and man and egos. Key Words: consumerism; environmental law; value-dimensions; harmonious development
一、消费主义制导的发展理念 就一般意义而言,发展是人类社会的特征。但人类社会现代意义上的发展是从工业革命开始的。当代语境中的发展又是与国际社会中贫富悬殊以及后来的对于现代性发展理念的反思相联系的[1]。 工业革命在开辟出一个完全不同于中世纪文明的……
投稿人:ght |
最后编辑:admin88 |
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