[高血压医学论文] 【摘要】 目的 刺络放血疗法对治疗瘀血性疼痛的效果观察。方法 随机将100例瘀血性疼痛患者分为两组,刺络放血组50例,对照药物组50例,进行对比疗效观察。结果与结论 治疗组与对照组的总有效率分别为100%和88%,3天内两组总有效率对比χ2=6.38,P<0.01,两者差异有显著性,刺络放血组优于药物组;第一天内治疗人数对比χ2=4.97,P<0.01。 两者差异有显著性,刺络放血组优于药物组。
【关键词】 刺络放血;瘀血性疼痛;双氯芬酸钠
Clinical observations on the treatment of blood stasis ache with bloodletting therapy
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the clinical effect of bloodletting therapy on blood stasis ache. Methods One hundred patients were randomly divided into treatment and control groups,50 cases each. The treatment group received bloodletting therapy and the control group with diclofenac external use. Results and conclusion The total efficacy rate was 100% in the treatment group,which was significantly different from that in the control group(P<0.01).The effect was better in the treatment group than in the control group.
【Key words】 bloodletting; blood stasis ache; diclofenac
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