[高血压医学论文] [摘 要] 目的:探讨周围神经损伤的综合康复治疗效果。方法:32例周围神经损伤分为康复组(20例)、针炙组(12例)。康复组根据损伤程度和进展情况进行针对性的综合康复治疗,针炙组以针刺配合电针、温针、穴位注射等。治疗结束后分别进行周围神经病损后运动功能评定和感觉功能评定。结果:康复组周围神经病损后运动功能评定和感觉功能评定的优良率较针灸组高,且差异有显著性。结论:综合康复治疗是周围神经损伤后的合理和有效的治疗方法。
[关键词] 周围神经损伤;综合康复;针灸
Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Comprehensive Rehabilitation on Peripheral Nerve Injuries
Abstract: Objective To observe the effect of comprehensive rehabilitation on peripheral nerve injuries. Methods 32 cases of peripheral nerve injuries were divided into two groups: comprehensive rehabilitation group(n=20) and acupmox group(n=12). All the patients evaluated with function of motor and sensory after peripheral nerve injuries. Results There was a singnificent different in the two groups.Conclusion The comprehensive rehabilitation is suitable and effective therapeutic afterperipheral nerve injuries.
Key words: Peripheral nerve injuries; Comprehensive rehabilitation; Acupmox