[高血压医学论文] 【摘要】 目的 观察琐阳花色甙复合瘤苗治疗实验性肺癌小鼠体内免疫功能效应。方法 用LCC细胞接种的方法制造肺癌模型,分别观察对照组(荷瘤小鼠注射生理盐水)、实验组(荷瘤小鼠免疫接种琐阳花色甙复合瘤苗) 体内血清白细胞介素-2(IL-2)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)水平及脾细胞对肺癌(LCC)的细胞毒活性的变化。结果 实验组IL-2、TNF血清含量与对照组相比,差异有显著性(P<0.05),实验组小鼠脾细胞对小鼠肺癌(LCC)的细胞毒活性显著增强,明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 琐阳花色甙复合瘤苗能明显提高实验性肺癌小鼠的免疫功能。
【关键词】 琐阳花色甙复合瘤苗;免疫肺癌小鼠;IL-2;TNF;细胞毒活性变化
Reaserch of immunity function on kung tumor by cancer cell vaccine modified with anthocyanins
【Abstract】 Objective Observation of effect of immunity function in the mice through the cancer cell vaccine modified with anthocyanins cure the experimentive lung cancer.Methods Making a lung cancer model by inoculate with LCC,separately observe the control group(inject normal sakine to mice with LCC ) and experimental group (inoculate the cancer cell vaccine modified with anthocyanins to mice with LCC),the level of IL-2、TNF in it and the change of the toxicity and activity of the cell to the LCC.Results The level of IL-2、TNF in the serum in experimental group compare with the control group show marked difference (P<0.05),toxicity and activity of the cell to the LCC obviously boost up in the spleen cell of the rice in ……