[高血压医学论文] [摘要] 目的 通过研究导师秦国政教授运用中医药对慢性前列腺炎患者治疗前后的尿流率改变,证实中医药对慢性前列腺炎患者尿流率变化所起的作用。方法 随机抽取符合中医常见三个辨证分型(即:湿热型、血瘀型和阴虚火旺型)的慢性前列腺炎患者各50例,使用尿流动力学分析仪对每位患者治疗前和治疗后的平均尿流率及最大尿流率两项指标进行检测,收集数据并对其进行统计学分析,得出治疗前后尿流率的变化值。结果 各病例组治疗前后平均尿流率及最大尿流率均有显著提高。结论 各病例组治疗后的平均尿流率及最大尿流率比治疗前均有显著提高(P<0.05),说明导师秦国政教授运用中医药对慢性前列腺炎患者尿流率的改善有非常明显的作用。
[关键词] 慢性前列腺炎;中医药治疗;尿流率
Effects of TCM on changes of urinary flow rate in patients with prostatitis
[Abstract] Objective Through the changes of urine rate of patients with prostatitis after treatment by TCM,verify the validity of TCM in treating prostatitis.Methods Select 50 patients of each of three common symptom types randomly(namely: “shire” type,“yinxu” type and “xueyu” type).Before and after the treatment measure the maximal and average urine rate of all patients who have been selected with the dynamic analytic instrument.Then collect the data and analyze it statistically in order to find out the urine rate changes after treatments.Results The maximal and average urine rate of each of the morbid groups is significantly increased after the patients have been treated by Professor Q……