雷公藤内酯与CsA联合抗大鼠异种角膜移植排斥 |
[高血压医学论文] 【摘要】 目的 我们用大鼠异种穿透性角膜移植的动物模型,来研究雷公藤内酯与CsA联合抗移植排斥的效果。方法 我们用豚鼠角膜对Wistar大鼠实施异种穿透性角膜移植术,分别用雷公藤内酯按100μg/kg体重; CsA注射液按15mg/kg体重;雷公藤内酯和CsA注射液联合用药(100μg/kg+10mg/kg)组抗移植排斥反应。根据Holland等建立的临床观察评分法和免疫组化观察疗效。结果 (1)临床观察结果表明,CsA和雷公藤内酯联合用药抗排斥作用优于单独给药(P<0.01)。(2)观察外周血T细胞亚群的变化发现CD8+细胞的百分数变化联合用药组明显低于CsA或雷公藤单独给药组,CsA组和联合用药组的IL-2R+细胞百分数变化明显低于雷公藤内酯,它们的差别均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(3)角膜移植后15天联合用药组植片中淋巴细胞浸润最轻。结论 雷公藤内酯和CsA具有协同抗移植排斥作用。
【关键词】 雷公藤内酯;环孢素A;移植排斥;角膜移植
Combination therapy of triptolide and cyclosporine A resist xenocorneal transplant rejection
【Abstract】 Objective A xencorneal penetrating keratoplasty model was established in Wistar rat and investigated the effect of anti-rejection by combination therapy under CsA and triptolide. Methods After the corneal of Guinea-pig was transplanted into the eye of Wistar rat, we injected 100μg/kg body weight of triptolide, 15mg/kg body weight of CsA and 100μg/kg + 10mg/kg of triptolide and CsA for anti-rejection. The observations on the effect of different anti-rejection agents base the method of Holland and immunochemistry. Results (1)Clinical observation had shown more long-term surviv……
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