作者:肖爱祥 陈翠薇 叶瑞鸣 黄丽红
【关键词】 精神科;护理人员;职业损伤;职业防护
【摘要】 目的 探讨精神科护理人员职业损伤与防护状况,为制定精神科护理人员因职业暴露导致职业损伤的防护措施提供依据。 方法 采用自行设计的护理人员职业防护调查表,对360名精神科护理人员职业损伤及职业防护的情况进行调查 分析 。 结果 职业意外损伤以针刺伤及患者攻击致伤最常见,发生率分别为85.8%与80.6%,针刺伤是传播疾病的主要途径。 结论 加强护士安全 教育 与管理,有效采取职业损伤的预防措施,规范处理流程,减少职业损伤。
【关键词】 精神科;护理人员;职业损伤;职业防护
Investigations and analyses of occupational injury and protection in psychiatric nurses 【Abstract】 Objective To explore occupational injury and protection status in psychiatric nurses in order to provide bases for making protective measures to avoid occupational injury produced by occupational exposure. Methods Investigations of occupational injury and protection status were conducted with a selfmade questionnaire in 360 psychiatric nurses. Results Needle lesion and patient's aggressive injury were the commonest occupational injuries, incidences of them were 85.8% and 80.6% respectively. Needle lesion was main pathophorous route, and nurses were lack of knowledge of occupational protection. Conclusion In order to reduce occupational injury, we should strengthen nurse's safety education and management……