作者:Benedito A. Carneiroa, Lynne Kaminera,c, Mohammed Eldibanyb, Chandrika Sreekantaiahd, Karen Kaulb, Gershon Y. Lockera,c
【关键词】 Oxaliplatin,•,Acute,myelogenous,leukemia,•, The rapy-related,leukemia,•,Colon,adenocarcinoma,therapy,•,Chemotherapy,side,effects
A 56-year-old woman diagnosed with a poorly differentiated cecal adenocarcinoma with metastases to ovaries, omentum, and sigmoid colon went into remission after 12 cycles of infusional 5-fluorouracil, luecovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX-4 regimen). Thirteen months later, a pelvic recurrence was diagnosed, and the patient received nine cycles of FOLFOX-6 plus bevacizumab, resulting in a clinical complete response but the development of pancytopenia. Bone marrow biopsy was consistent with therapy-related acute myelogenous leukemia. Chromosome analysis showed structural rearrangements with partial deletions of the long arms of chromosomes 5, 7, 20, and 21, as well as trisomy of chromosome 8 and losses of chromosomes 3 and 11. Induction chemotherapy led to remission, but the patient died two months later from complications of colon cancer progression. It is likely that the leukemia was related to the oxaliplatin administration.
In August 2002, a 56-year-old woman was diagnosed with a cecal adenocarcinoma on screening colonoscopy. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a 2.5-cm grade 3 poorly differentiated signet ringt……