【摘要】 目的 探讨高血压患者体重指数与多代谢异常关系。方法 对459名高血压患者按体重指数(BMI)分为超重组236例(BMI≥25kg/m2)和非超重组223例(BMI<25kg/m2)两组,进行多代谢异常情况的对照研究。结果 超重组合并甘油三酯(TG),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)异常的危险性都明显高于对照组。对照组有54.7%,超重组有82.2%,至少合并一项代谢异常。结论 超重高血压患者具有心血管危险因素聚集性较高的特点,应特别加以重视。
【关键词】 高血压 肥胖 多代谢异常
【Abstract】 Objective To study the relationship between hypertension and multiple metabolic disorders. Methods According to body mass index (BMN),459 patients with hypertension were divided into two groups,the overweight group (BMI≥25kg/m2) and the non-overweight group (BMI <25kg/m2). The multiple metabolic disorders were compared between the two groups. Results The risks of high cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), high- density lipoprotein (HDL-C) disorders were significantly higher in overweight group than non-overweight group and 82.2% of them had at least one more metabolic abnormalities as compared to 54.7% in the controls. Conclusion There are high cardiovascular risks in the overweight patients with hypertension.
【Key words】 Hypertension;Obesity;Multiple metabolic disorders