[经济管理类毕业论文] 摘要:1999年11月15日,中美就中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)达成了双边协议,此后,各成员国陆续与我国达成双边协议、中国加入WTO步伐日益临近,中国加入wTO之后,北流市农业,产业结构如何调整已被提上了日程,如何抓住中国加入WTO的机遇,调整好农业和农村产业结构,实现农业增产,农民增收,农村稳定迎接世界贸易组织的挑战是我们面临的一个亟待解决的问题。 关键词:入世;北流农业;农业产业;结构调整 Abstract: on November 15, 1999, China and US joined the World Trade Organization on China (WTO) to reach the bilateral treaty, hereafter, various member nations reached the bilateral treaty, China with our country to join the WTO step one after another to approach day by day, after China joined wTO, the Beiliu agriculture, how does the industrial structure adjust has been raised the program, how to hold China to join WTO the opportunity, adjusts the good agriculture and the countryside industrial structure, realizes the agriculture to increase production, the question which farmer additionally receiving, the countryside stably greets the World Trade Organization the challenge is we faces which urgently awaits to be solved. key word: Being WTO entry; Beiliu agriculture; Agricultural industry; Structural adjustment 一、北流市农业的现状 北流市地处北回归线以南,属南亚热带湿润季风气候,光、热、水充沛,土壤肥江,农业资源丰富。是全国粮食生产基地,商品粮基地和荔枝生产基地、素有“高产之乡”、“荔枝之乡”美称,属综合性农业地区。全市耕地面积3.62万公顷(合54.27万亩),占土地总面……