从历史和政治等角度分析中美贸易发展 |
[国际贸易法论文] 摘要: 中国是美国增长速度最快的贸易出口市场,过去的十年间,美国对华贸易增长了300%。自2001年以来,美国对中国的贸易增长速度是美国对世界其他国家和地区贸易增速的5倍。因此,中美贸易有很强的互补性。然而,纵观中美贸易的发展历史,撇开中美政治关系以及当今的世界格局的复杂性来看待中美贸易,分析中美贸易中的问题,那是不全面的,也得不出实质而科学的结论。本文从这些方面来对中美贸易的发展进行分析和展望。 关键词:中美贸易 逆差 贸易摩擦 贸易问题政治化 viewing Sino- American trading development from historic and political aspects Abstract: China is the most tremendously growing export market of America. The trade between America and China has increased 300% in the past ten years. The growing speed of between America and China is 5 times of between America and other countries. So, the trade of America and China is complementary. However , when we take a look at the history of the trade between America and China , it is unilateral to analyze the problem of the trade between America and China without considering the political relationship of America and China and the complexity of the current world situation, then it is impossible to draw real and scientific conclusions. We will discuss the development of the trade between America and China from these aspects. Key Word: Trade between America and China Trade deficit Trade friction Trade politicalized 一.2006年4月 国家主席胡锦涛访美. 200……
投稿人:windows136 |
最后编辑:soniax123 |
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