摘要:在 现代 课程评价 发展 过程中,出现了多种不同形式的课程评价模式。不同课程评价模式的思维方式甚至思想 方法 的变化,都内含着不同的课程评价框架结构。通过比较不同类型的课程评价模式,从我国国情出发,根据发展性课程评价的自身特点,借鉴混沌 理论 的启示,形成了由课程设计评价、课程实施评价、课程结果评价相互交融的开放的三螺旋结构,作为发展性课程评价体系的基本框架。
Abstract: Many kinds of curriculum evaluation modes have appeared during the development of modern curriculum evaluation. The changes of ways of thinking about different curriculum evaluation modes present the different frameworks of curriculum evaluation. By comparing with different types of curriculum evaluation modes, according to developmental curriculum evaluation’s own characteristics, we take the framework made up of curriculum design evaluation, curriculum implementation evaluation and curriculum result evaluation to form the spiral system for developmental curriculum evaluation.
Key words: curriculum evaluation; curriculum design assessment; curriculum implementation evaluation;curriculum result evaluation
任何评价都是在特定的背景中开展的,在评价过程中应遵循什么样的规则,如何解释和使用评价结果等等,都内含一条或明或暗的主线,这条主线常常带有 时代 的……