论文目录 | |
Acknowledgements | 第1-8页 |
Abstract | 第8-10页 |
附图 | 第17-18页 |
Chapter 1 Introduction And Background | 第18-40页 |
1.1 Introduction | 第18页 |
1.2 Background to Study | 第18-22页 |
1.3 Research Problem | 第22-23页 |
1.4 Research Aim | 第23-24页 |
1.5 Research Objectives | 第24页 |
1.6 Research Questions | 第24-25页 |
1.7 Research Significance | 第25-32页 |
1.7.1 Importance of Consumer Behavior to business managers | 第25-26页 |
1.7.2 Importance of Consumer Behavior to Marketers | 第26-32页 |
1.8 Research Purpose | 第32页 |
1.9 Research Justification | 第32-34页 |
1.10 Research Delimitations | 第34页 |
1.11 Theoretical Implications | 第34-36页 |
1.12 Practical Implications | 第36-38页 |
1.13 Structure of the Paper | 第38-39页 |
1.14 Conclusion | 第39-40页 |
Chapter 2 Literature Review | 第40-78页 |
2.1 Significance of Literature Review | 第40页 |
2.2 The Power of Digital and Innovation | 第40-43页 |
2.3 Social Media Product Innovation | 第43-45页 |
2.4 The Development of Social Media Marketing | 第45-46页 |
2.5 Model of Consumer Behavior | 第46-48页 |
2.6 Communication Models on Social Media | 第48-52页 |
2.6.1 Model of Consumer Media Communication on Social Media | 第49-52页 |
2.7 Consumer Online Buying Behavior | 第52-56页 |
2.7.1 Model of Consumer Online Buying Behavior | 第54-56页 |
2.8 Consumer Social Groups | 第56-57页 |
2.9 Consumer Social Influence | 第57-58页 |
2.10 Type of Consumers influenced by Social Media | 第58-60页 |
2.10.1 Consumers who actually buy online(Online Insiders) | 第58-59页 |
2.10.2 Consumers who browse the Internet without buying online(Social Clickers) | 第59-60页 |
2.11 Type of Social Media mostly used by Consumers | 第60-61页 |
2.12 Social Media Functionality | 第61-63页 |
2.13 Social Media in Malawi | 第63-65页 |
2.14 Purchase Intention | 第65-66页 |
2.15 Purchase Intention based on Consumer Attitudes | 第66-68页 |
2.16 Purchase Intention based on Technology Acceptance Model | 第68页 |
2.17 The Individual Consumer Purchase Intention | 第68-69页 |
2.18 Purchase Orientation | 第69页 |
2.19 Purchase Intention based on Perceived Risk | 第69-71页 |
2.20 Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use | 第71页 |
2.21 Social Media Experience | 第71-72页 |
2.22 Corporate Credibility | 第72页 |
2.23 Product/ Service Information | 第72-73页 |
2.24 Post-Purchase Behavior | 第73-74页 |
2.25 Purchase Intention in Malawi | 第74-75页 |
2.26 Four Behavioral shifts among Malawi consumers | 第75-76页 |
2.27 Summary of Literature Review | 第76-78页 |
Chapter 3 Conceptual Framework And Hypothesis Development | 第78-93页 |
3.1 Significance of Framework | 第78页 |
3.2 Consumer Value Framework | 第78-81页 |
3.2.1 Consumer Value Equation | 第79-81页 |
3.3 Towards a conceptual framework | 第81页 |
3.4 Conceptual Model | 第81-83页 |
3.5 Research Hypothese | 第83-93页 |
3.5.1 Social Media Sociability | 第83-84页 |
3.5.2 Social Media Usability | 第84-86页 |
3.5.3 Social Media Dependence | 第86-87页 |
3.5.4 Social Media Involvement | 第81-88页 |
3.5.5 Trust in Social Media | 第88-89页 |
3.5.6 Perceived Risk | 第89-90页 |
3.5.7 Perceived Value | 第90-93页 |
Chapter 4 Methodology | 第93-103页 |
4.1 Philosophical Position | 第93-94页 |
4.2 Research Design | 第94-98页 |
4.2.1 Phase 1:Qualitative research | 第95-97页 | Social media focus group Interview | 第95-97页 |
4.2.2 Phase 2: Quantitative Research | 第97-98页 |
4.3 Sampling and Data Collection | 第98-99页 |
4.4 The population, sampling method and sample size | 第99-100页 |
4.5 Data Screening | 第100页 |
4.6 Sampling Technique Unresponsive | 第100-101页 |
4.7 Assessment of Normality | 第101-102页 |
4.8 Assessment of Multivariate Outliers | 第102-103页 |
Chapter 5 Data Analysis And Hypothesis Testing | 第103-127页 |
5.1 Dataset | 第103页 |
5.2 Descriptive Focus Group of Respondents | 第103-104页 |
5.3 Descriptive Statistics of Respondents | 第104-112页 |
5.4 Reliability Analysis | 第112-113页 |
5.5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis | 第113页 |
5.6 Construct Validity | 第113-114页 |
5.7 Convergent Validity | 第114页 |
5.8 Overall Fit of the Conceptual Model | 第114-116页 |
5.9 Hypothesis Testing | 第116-120页 |
5.10 Malawi Matrix Model of Changing of Purchase Buying Behavior | 第120-123页 |
5.11 Evaluation of Social Media Strategies' Implemented in Malawi | 第123-127页 |
Chapter 6 Discussion and Conclusion | 第127-140页 |
6.1 Discussion | 第127-128页 |
6.2 Research Implications In Malawi | 第128-133页 |
6.2.1 Choosing social media platforms with high sociability like Facebookand creating groups by company themselves | 第128-130页 |
6.2.2 Choosing social media platforms on which people heavily relied and creating user dependency on your brand | 第130-132页 |
6.2.3 Being open and fast (arguable) | 第132-133页 |
6.3 Research Innovation in Malawi | 第133-135页 |
6.3.1 Planned Use of Social Media | 第133-134页 |
6.3.2 Leveraging Social Media | 第134页 |
6.3.3 Real Benefits in the Front End of Innovation | 第134-135页 |
6.4 Conclusion | 第135-136页 |
6.5 Limitations and Future Research Directions | 第136-138页 |
6.5.1 Sampling and data collection | 第136-137页 |
6.5.2 Applicability of theories and literature | 第137页 |
6.5.3 Applicability of results in reality | 第137-138页 |
6.6 Recommendations for Future Research | 第138-140页 |
References | 第140-154页 |
Appendix A | 第157-160页 |