论文目录 | |
Acknowledgements | 第1-7
页 |
Abstract | 第7-14
页 |
摘要 | 第14-18
页 |
A Note on Abbreviations | 第18-20
页 |
Introduction | 第20-34
页 |
Chapter 1 The Postmodern Social and Cultural Contexts of William Gaddis | 第34-43
页 |
A. The Concept of Entropy in the Postmodern United States | 第35-38
页 |
B. Entropy in the Postmodern Artistic Theory and Works | 第38-43
页 |
Chapter 2 Entropy in William Gaddis's Postmodern Human World | 第43-66
页 |
A. Entropy in American Capitalism System | 第43-56
页 |
1 The Commodity Fetish and Free-enterprise System | 第44-48
页 |
2 The Corrupt Interpenetration of Government, Religion and Big Business | 第48-52
页 |
3 Absurdities of Laws and the Legal System | 第52-56
页 |
B. Entropy in American Capitalist Culture | 第56-62
页 |
1 Art in the Commercial Context | 第57-61
页 |
2 Education Versus Commerce | 第61-62
页 |
C. Entropy in Individual Selfhood | 第62-66
页 |
Chapter 3 Entropy in William Gaddis's Postmodern Artistic World | 第66-101
页 |
A. Gaddis's Deconstruction of Traditional Spatio-temporal Concept | 第66-71
页 |
1 The Postmodern Disruption in Time and Space | 第67-69
页 |
2 Gaddis's Deconstruction of Time and Space | 第69-71
页 |
B. Gaddis's Narratives of Entropy | 第71-89
页 |
1 The Palimpsest of Fragments in The Recognitions | 第71-76
页 |
2 Complicated Montage in JR and A Frolic of His Own | 第76-79
页 |
3 The Indeterminacy of Gaddis's Fictional Writing Carpenter's Gothic | 第79-89
页 |
C. The Dialogical Structure of Gaddis's Polyphonic Novels | 第89-101
页 |
1 Double-voiced Discourse | 第90-93
页 |
2 The Heterogeneity of Discourse | 第93-94
页 |
3 One-sided Telephone Conversation | 第94-96
页 |
4 Loss in Communication | 第96-101
页 |
Chapter 4 The Salvation of the Entropic Postmodern Human World | 第101-121
页 |
A. Establishing a New Religion in Postmodern Time | 第102-110
页 |
1 Return to Alchemy and Matriarchal Myth | 第104-108
页 |
2 Return to Flemish Painting's Spiritual Hope | 第108-110
页 |
B. Black Humor | 第110-114
页 |
C. The Appeal to the Sublime | 第114-119
页 |
D. To Live Deliberately | 第119-121
页 |
Chapter 5 The Salvation of the Entropic Postmodern Artistic World | 第121-148
页 |
A. Hybridization | 第121-128
页 |
1 The Collage of Different Genres | 第122-124
页 |
2 The Convergence of High Culture and Popular Culture | 第124-128
页 |
B. Carnivalization | 第128-137
页 |
1 Participation in the Counterfeit World | 第129-135
页 |
2 Carnivalesque Language | 第135-137
页 |
C. Reader's Participation in Gaddis's Tower of Babel | 第137-143
页 |
D. Constructionism | 第143-148
页 |
1 The Application of Informational Technology in Narratives | 第144-145
页 |
2 Fantasies of Science and Technology | 第145-148
页 |
Conclusion | 第148-155
页 |
Works Cited | 第155-161
页 |
Index | 第161-163页 |