论文目录 | |
中文摘要 | 第1-9页 |
Abstract | 第9-17页 |
Introduction | 第17-32页 |
Ⅰ.The Purpose of the Study | 第17页 |
Ⅱ.A Review of Scholarly Literature | 第17-27页 |
A.Henry Miller Studies Abroad | 第17-25页 |
B.Henry Miller Studies in China | 第25-27页 |
Ⅲ.Research Methodology | 第27-28页 |
Ⅳ.The Layout of the Paper | 第28-30页 |
Ⅴ.A Statement of Significance | 第30-32页 |
Chapter One A Biographical Footnote | 第32-47页 |
Ⅰ. Early Life and Its Influence | 第32-39页 |
Ⅱ.Henry Miller's Social and Cultural Milieu and Its Influence | 第39-44页 |
Ⅲ. Henry Miller's Literary Passions | 第44-47页 |
Chapter Two The Carnival of Isms | 第47-86页 |
Ⅰ.The Ghost of Anarchism | 第47-66页 |
A.The Concept of"Anarchism" | 第48-55页 |
B.The City and the Government:Miller's Political Anarchism | 第55-59页 |
C.The Economic System:Miller's Economic Anarchism | 第59-61页 |
D.The Church:Miller's Religious Anarchism | 第61-66页 |
Ⅱ.The Ghost of Surrealism | 第66-79页 |
A.Henry Miller and the Surrealist Aesthetic | 第66-68页 |
B.The Seven Surrealist Characteristics | 第68-70页 |
C.The Reasons Why Miller Favors the Surreal Image and Incongruity | 第70-74页 |
D.Surreal Images and Incongruity in Miller's Major Works | 第74-79页 |
Ⅲ. Other Isms in Miller's Major Works | 第79-84页 |
A. Expressionism in Miller's Writing | 第79-81页 |
B. Dada and Miller's Writing | 第81-82页 |
C. Freud's Theory, etc. in Miller's Writing | 第82-84页 |
Ⅳ. The Significance and Limitation of Miller's Use of Isms | 第84-86页 |
Chapter Three Fragmentation, Phallic Consciousness, and Sex as a Redemptive Force | 第86-114页 |
Ⅰ. Miller's Sense of Fragmentation | 第86-98页 |
A. The External Factors and Personal Factors | 第86-88页 |
B. Fragmentation as Represented in Miller's Fiction | 第88-98页 |
Ⅱ. Miller's Phallic Consciousness | 第98-112页 |
A. Sex and Sexual Symbolism in Relation to Literature and Miller's Works | 第99-103页 |
B. Sex as a Road to Regaining Confidence, Ability to Write and Freedom | 第103-109页 |
C. Sex as a Redemptive Force | 第109-112页 |
Ⅲ. The Significance and Limitation of Miller's Phallic Consciousness | 第112-114页 |
Chapter Four The Female Images | 第114-145页 |
Ⅰ."The Archetypal Feminine" | 第116-117页 |
Ⅱ. Paris and New York as the Symbols of the Archetypal Feminine | 第117-125页 |
A. Paris as a Negative Female Image | 第118-123页 |
B. New York as a Negative Female Image | 第123-125页 |
C. The Significance of Paris and New York as Female Images | 第125页 |
Ⅲ. Female Figures as Symbols of the Archetypal Feminine | 第125-143页 |
A. Female Figures as a Negative Force | 第126-131页 |
B. Females as a Positive and Transformative Force | 第131-143页 |
1. Minor Female Figures as a Positive and Transformative Force | 第131-134页 |
2. Major Female Figure as a Positive and Transformative Force | 第134-141页 |
3. Women in Miller's Life and Miller's Portrayal of Female Characters | 第141-143页 |
Ⅳ.A Summary | 第143-145页 |
Chapter Five Filthy Language | 第145-167页 |
Ⅰ.Miller's Filthy Language and Its Context | 第145-155页 |
A.Miller's Filthy language as Part of a Literary Undercurrent | 第145-150页 |
B.Miller's Life and His Filthy Language | 第150-155页 |
Ⅱ.Miller's Filthy Language and His World | 第155-158页 |
Ⅲ.Miller's Juxtaposition of Filthy Language with Poetic Language | 第158-162页 |
Ⅳ.The Stylistic Features of Miller's Filthy Language | 第162-164页 |
Ⅴ.First-Person Point of View and Present Tense in Miller's Use of Filthy Language | 第164-165页 |
Ⅵ.The Significance and Limitation of Miller's Filthy Language | 第165-167页 |
Conclusion | 第167-172页 |
Works Cited | 第172-184页 |
Acknowledgments | 第184-185页 |
个人简历、在学期间发表的学术论文与研究成果 | 第185
页 |