论文目录 | |
摘要 | 第1-5页 |
Abstract | 第5-6页 |
Acknowledgements | 第6-8页 |
Introduction | 第8-16页 |
A. Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird | 第8-9页 |
B. Literature Review | 第9-13页 |
C. Beauvoirian Existentialist Feminism | 第13-16页 |
Chapter One Women Trapped in the Men-dominated Cage | 第16-31页 |
A. Female in Male’s World | 第16-26页 |
B. Female’s Attitude towards Their Own Company | 第26-31页 |
Chapter Two The Way to Self-Consciousness | 第31-43页 |
A. Scout’s Self-Consciousness of Being a Female | 第31-36页 |
B. Mayella—Rebellious of Her Body | 第36-39页 |
C. Miss Maudie: Visible Cage Trapped Her in Invisible Way | 第39-43页 |
Chapter Three The Result of Female’s Struggle and Their Life Path | 第43-53页 |
A. Scout’s Conversion in Mind | 第43-46页 |
B. Mayella—a Victim Lamb of Men’s Hypocritical Society | 第46-47页 |
C. Miss Maudie’s Disengagement of the Outside Environment | 第47-51页 |
D. Helen Robinson’s Dependence on Male Authority | 第51-53页 |
Conclusion | 第53-58页 |
Works Cited | 第58-59页 |