论文目录 | |
Acknowledgements | 第1-5
页 |
Abstract in Chinese | 第5-7
页 |
Abstract in English | 第7-9
页 |
Part Ⅰ Introduction | 第9-18
页 |
1.1 M.H.Kingston and her major works | 第9-10
页 |
1.2 The Woman Warrior: a song of empowering the female voice | 第10-12
页 |
1.3 Contemporary reviews of The Woman Warrior | 第12-15
页 |
1.4 A general presentation of the madness and ghost narratives in The Woman Warrior | 第15-18
页 |
Part Ⅱ The Madness Narrative: Creating a Mad Voice | 第18-31
页 |
2.1 Exposing the oppression of Chinese American women | 第18-24
页 |
2.1.1 The oppression imposed by sexism | 第18-20
页 |
2.1.2 The oppression imposed by racism | 第20-22
页 |
2.1.3 The oppression imposed by sexism intertwined with racism | 第22-24
页 |
2.2 An escaping subversion | 第24-28
页 |
2.3 The double of the author | 第28-31
页 |
Part Ⅲ The Ghosts Narrative: Constructing a Ghost Voice | 第31-43
页 |
3.1 An aggressive subversion | 第32-38
页 |
3.1.1 Subversion against sexism | 第32-36
页 |
3.1.2 Subversion against racism | 第36-38
页 | Challenging American racism by naming | 第36-38
页 | Defying American ”normal” reality | 第38
页 |
3.2 A narrative subversion | 第38-40
页 |
3.3 Constructing a ”ghost” voice | 第40-43
页 |
3.3.1 Celebrating ”ghosthood” | 第40-41
页 |
3.3.2 Forging an intercultural voice | 第41-43
页 |
Part Ⅳ Conelusion | 第43-45
页 |
Notes | 第45-47
页 |
Bibliography | 第47-50页 |