论文目录 | |
Acknowledgement | 第1-4
页 |
英文摘要 | 第4-8
页 |
Chapter One: Introduction | 第8-21
页 |
1.1 The Purpose of Writing the Thesis | 第8-12
页 |
1.2 The Importance of Tourism Translation | 第12-14
页 |
1.3 Translation Study in Tourist Material | 第14-21
页 |
1.3.1 Conventional Translation Theories | 第14-15
页 |
1.3.2 The Change in the Concept of Translation | 第15-18
页 |
1.3.3 A New Approach to Translation Study | 第18-21
页 |
Chapter Two: Information Theory & Translation | 第21-34
页 |
2.1 A Brief Introduction to Information Theory | 第21-22
页 |
2.2 Information Transmitting Model | 第22-23
页 |
2.3 A New Perspective toward Translation | 第23-32
页 |
2.3.1 The Definition of Translation | 第23-25
页 |
2.3.2 The Position of Translation | 第25-26
页 |
2.3.3 Language Communication Model | 第26-29
页 |
2.3.4 The Structure Model of Discourse Information | 第29-32
页 |
2.4 The Application of Information Theory in Translation Practice | 第32-34
页 |
Chapter Three: Tourism Translation Practice in China | 第34-44
页 |
3.1 The Status Quo of the Translation of Tourist Advertising Material | 第34-38
页 |
3.1.1 The Existing Problems | 第34-36
页 |
3.1.2 Data of a Survey | 第36-38
页 |
3.2 Features of Tourist Advertising Material | 第38-40
页 |
3.3 Translation Standard of Tourist Advertising Material | 第40-41
页 |
3.4 Information Theory and Translation of Tourist Material | 第41-44
页 |
Chapter Four: Applications and Analysis | 第44-66
页 |
4.1 Redundant Information Theory | 第44-45
页 |
4.2 Communication Load in Tourist Material | 第45-48
页 |
4.3 Translation Methods to Tourist Material | 第48-66
页 |
4.3.1 Ellipsis and the ”Compression” of Information | 第48-59
页 |
4.3.2 Addition and ”Decompression” of Information | 第59-64
页 |
4.3.3 Dispersion of Information and Rewriting and Transferred Translation | 第64-66
页 |
Chapter Five: Conclusions | 第66-72
页 |
5.1 Conclusions | 第66-69
页 |
5.2 The Significance of the Study | 第69
页 |
5.3 Limitations of the Study | 第69-70
页 |
5.4 Suggestions for Future Research | 第70-72
页 |
Bibliography | 第72-76
页 |
Appendix | 第76-77
页 |