论文目录 | |
Synopsis | 第1-7
页 |
Introduction | 第7-10
页 |
Charpter One Linguistic Signs —Two Dominant Models | 第10-16
页 |
· The Saussurean Model | 第10-11
页 |
· The Peircean Model | 第11-16
页 |
Charpter Two Arbitrariness —Saussure’s First Principle of Linguistic Signs | 第16-26
页 |
· The Pre-Saussure Interpretations | 第16-19
页 |
· Saussure’s Interpretation | 第19-26
页 |
Charpter Three Iconicity —Challenge or Complementarity? | 第26-38
页 |
· Emergence of the Notion of Iconicity —Peircean Typology of Signs | 第26-30
页 |
· Structure-Concept Iconicity —Development of Peircean Typology of Signs | 第30-32
页 |
· Definition of Iconicity | 第32-33
页 |
· Iconicity —Challenge or Complementarity? | 第33-38
页 |
Charpter Four The Interactive Relations between Arbitrariness and Iconicity | 第38-77
页 |
· Language Origin and Evolution —the Diachronic Approach | 第39-62
页 |
· Relations between Sound and Meaning —the Synchronic Approach | 第62-72
页 |
· Relations between Arbitrariness and Iconicity | 第72-77
页 |
Conclusion | 第77-79
页 |
Bibliography | 第79-81
页 |
Abstract | 第81-87
页 |
摘要 | 第87-91
页 |
Acknowledgement | 第91-92
页 |
导师及作者简介 | 第92
页 |