论文目录 | |
Abstract | 第1-7页 |
摘要 | 第7-10页 |
Introduction | 第10-24页 |
Chapter One Indoctrination of Patriarchal Ideology in the Family | 第24-48页 |
1.1 Absolute Authority of Sophie's Father | 第25-31页 |
1.2 Subordination of Sophie's mother | 第31-39页 |
1.3 Objectification of Sophie | 第39-48页 |
Chapter Two Passive Obedience to Patriarchal Domination | 第48-72页 |
2.1 Sophie's Surrender to H?ss's Male Supremacy | 第49-59页 |
2.2 Sophie's Compromise to the SS Doctor's Male Coercion | 第59-65页 |
2.3 Sophie as a Victim of Sexual and Physical Violence | 第65-72页 |
Chapter Three Realization of the Internalized Patriarchal Values | 第72-94页 |
3.1 Sophie's Taking Advantage of Her Admirer Stingo | 第73-78页 |
3.2 Sophie's Total Dependency on Her Lover Nathan | 第78-86页 |
3.3 Sophie's Eventual Submission to Patriarchy by Committing Suicide | 第86-94页 |
Conclusion | 第94-98页 |
Bibliography | 第98-102页 |
Acknowledgement | 第102-104页 |