论文目录 | |
Acknowledgements | 第1-6
页 |
Abstract in Chinese | 第6-7
页 |
Abstract in English | 第7-8
页 |
Preface in Chinese | 第8-15
页 |
Abbreviations | 第15-16
页 |
Introduction | 第16-24
页 |
Chapter One: Death in the Context of Intrusion | 第24-35
页 |
Ⅰ Various Forms of the Intruder | 第24-26
页 |
Ⅱ Shock of Intrusion Upon the 'Normal' People | 第26-30
页 |
Ⅲ The Fatal Encounter of the Victim With the Intruder | 第30-35
页 |
Chapter Two: Death Within the Domestic Arena | 第35-45
页 |
Ⅰ Death of Children Prepared by Their Parents | 第35-38
页 |
Ⅱ Death of Parents Unwittingly Rejected by Their Children | 第38-42
页 |
Ⅲ Characteristics of Conflicts between Two Generations | 第42-45
页 |
Chapter Three: Death-haunted Characters | 第45-52
页 |
Ⅰ Ruby Hill:A Woman in a Dilemma | 第45-47
页 |
Ⅱ General Sash:The Silent Arrival of the Imminent Death | 第47-49
页 |
Ⅲ Asbury Fox: Transformation of Death | 第49-52
页 |
Chapter Four: O'Connor's Vision of Death | 第52-62
页 |
Ⅰ Death and Grotesques | 第52-54
页 |
Ⅱ Death in Relation to Evil and Divine Grace | 第54-56
页 |
Ⅲ Death as the Consequence of Displacement | 第56-57
页 |
Ⅳ The Convergence of Death and Motif of Home | 第57-59
页 |
Ⅴ The Authorial Strategy to Link Her View With the Reader | 第59-62
页 |
Conclusion | 第62-64
页 |
Works Cited | 第64-67
页 |
Works Consulted | 第67
页 |