论文目录 | |
ABSTRACT | 第1-8页 |
摘要 | 第8-46页 |
A.The Chinese Americans as the "Other" in American Mainstream Society | 第46-54页 |
1. The Living Predicaments of the Changs as the "Other" in American Mainstream Society | 第46-48页 |
2. Racial Prejudice against Ethnic Minority Groups | 第48-52页 |
3. Hypocrisy of the Authenticity of Americanness | 第52-54页 |
B.The Contradiction between Chinese Confucianism and American Individualism | 第54-65页 |
1. Ralph's Ambivalent Attitude toward Confucianism and American Individualism | 第54-58页 |
2. Theresa's Attitude toward Familism | 第58-60页 |
3. Disharmony of Chinese Collectivism and American Individualism | 第60-62页 |
4. Recurrence of Chineseness in The Changs | 第62-65页 |
C.Summary | 第65-67页 |
V.CONCLUSION | 第67-71页 |
WORKS CITED | 第71-73页 |
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