论文目录 | |
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Chapter I.Introduction | 第9-11
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Chapter II.Definition of Communication | 第11-17
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2.1 What is communication | 第11-12
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2.2 CommunicationProcess | 第12-14
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2.3 Different Categories of Communication | 第14-17
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Chapter III. Formulaic Language and Nativelike Selection and Nativelike Fluency | 第17-39
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3.1 Terminology | 第17-18
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3.2 Theory of Lexicalized Sentence Stems | 第18-20
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3.3 Relations Between Formulaic Language and Nativelike Selection and Native like Fluency | 第20-22
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3.4 Pawley's Identification of Formulaic Language | 第22-26
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3.5 Becker's Categorization of Formulaic Language | 第26-34
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3.6 Nattinger and DeCarrico's Categorization of Formulaic Language | 第34-39
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Chapter IV. Formulaic Varieties of English Language | 第39-51
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4.1 Formulaic Variety of Sports Language | 第39-42
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4.2 Formulaic Variety of Auction Language | 第42-45
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4.3 Formulaic Variety of Journalistic English | 第45-51
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Chapter V. Teaching and Learning of Formulaic Language | 第51-61
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5.1 Analysis of a Survey and the Coming Problems | 第51-53
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5.2 Teaching and Learning of Formulaic Language | 第53-61
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Chapter VI. Conclusion | 第61-63
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Works Cited | 第63-65
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