论文目录 | |
页 |
内容摘要 | 第6-9
页 |
ABSTRACT | 第9-14
页 |
Introduction | 第14-20
页 |
ChapterⅠTheoretical Basis of the Research | 第20-37
页 |
· Relative Definitions | 第20-28
页 |
· Theory Concerning Multinational Mergers and Acquisitions | 第28-29
页 |
· Theory Concerning Cultural Conflicts | 第29-32
页 |
· Theory Concerning Cultural Integration | 第32-37
页 |
Chapter ⅡStatus of Cultural Conflicts and Integration Mode in Multinational Merger and Acquisition Logistics Enterprises | 第37-57
页 |
· Formation of Cultural Differences and Conflicts in M&A Logistics Enterprises | 第37-44
页 |
· Influences of Cultural Conflicts on International M&A Performance | 第44-45
页 |
· Present Situation of Cultural Conflicts and Integration in Chinese International M&A Logistics Enterprises Performance | 第45-50
页 |
· Cultural Conflicts and Integration Modes in Chinese International M&A Logistics Enterprises | 第50-57
页 |
Chapter Ⅲ Empirical Analyses of Cultural Conflicts and Integration in UTI Multinational M&A Enterprise | 第57-81
页 |
· Enterprise Survey | 第57-59
页 |
· Survey Analysis | 第59-62
页 |
· Data Statistics | 第62-68
页 |
· Research Implications | 第68-81
页 |
Conclusion | 第81-87
页 |
Appendix Ⅰ | 第87-92
页 |
Appendix Ⅱ | 第92-93
页 |
Bibliography | 第93-96
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