论文目录 | |
Acknowledgements | 第1-7页 |
中文摘要 | 第7-8页 |
Abstract | 第8-12页 |
Chapter 1 Introduction | 第12-18页 |
1.1 Research Background | 第12-14页 |
1.2 Literature Review | 第14-16页 |
1.3 Research Question | 第16-17页 |
1.4 Methodology | 第17页 |
1.5 Arrangement of the Thesis | 第17-18页 |
Chapter 2 The Fundamentals of American Populism | 第18-27页 |
2.1 The Definition and Origin of American Populism | 第18-23页 |
2.1.1 The Definition of American Populism | 第18-20页 |
2.1.2 The Ideological Sources of American Populism | 第20-23页 |
2.2 The Theme of American Populism and Its Relationship with Electoral Politics | 第23-27页 |
2.2.1 The Four Themes of American Populism | 第23-25页 |
2.2.2 The Employment of Populist Rhetoric in Electoral Politics | 第25-27页 |
Chapter 3 Americanism: Trump’s Populist Campaign Bedrock | 第27-37页 |
3.1 The Principle of America First | 第27-33页 |
3.1.1 An America First Foreign Policy | 第28-30页 |
3.1.2 An America First Economy Proposal | 第30-33页 |
3.2 An Aspiration for Change | 第33-37页 |
3.2.1 Provoking Despair of the Republican Party Establishment | 第33-34页 |
3.2.2 Demonstrating the Breakdown of the U.S. Institutions | 第34-37页 |
Chapter 4 The White Working Class: Trump’s Populist Campaign Backbone | 第37-47页 |
4.1 The Release of the White Working Class’ Resentful Emotions | 第38-43页 |
4.1.1 Appealing to the Discontent of Exclusion from Prosperity | 第38-40页 |
4.1.2 Invoking the Surge of Xenophobic Racism | 第40-42页 |
4.1.3 Calling forth a Sense of Crisis among White Evangelical Christians | 第42-43页 |
4.2 The Evocation of White Male Working Class Masculinity | 第43-47页 |
4.2.1 The Resonance of White Masculine Authority | 第44-45页 |
4.2.2 The Irritation of the Ethos of Misogyny | 第45-47页 |
Chapter 5 Anti-Elitism: Trump’s Populist Campaign Banner | 第47-56页 |
5.1 The Perennial Antagonism Between the Masses and the Elites | 第47-52页 |
5.1.1 Stirring up Disenchantment of the Political Establishment | 第47-49页 |
5.1.2 Arousing Distrust of the Mainstream Media | 第49-52页 |
5.2 A Relentless Attack on the Political Correctness Doctrine | 第52-56页 |
Chapter 6 Conclusion | 第56-58页 |
Work Cited | 第58-62页 |
附件 | 第62页 |