论文目录 | |
Acknowledgements | 第1-7页 |
中文摘要 | 第7-8页 |
Abstract | 第8-11页 |
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction | 第11-15页 |
Chapter Ⅱ Contextualizing the Troubled Wedlock Plot | 第15-21页 |
2.1 The Courtship and the Novel Tradition | 第15-19页 |
2.2 Matrimonial Legislation in England 1670-1923 | 第19-21页 |
Chapter Ⅲ Monstrous Marriages in Oliver Twist | 第21-29页 |
3.1 The Definition of Monstrous Marriages | 第21-22页 |
3.2 Monstrous Marriage as a Plot Drive | 第22-29页 |
Chapter Ⅳ The Melodramatic Matrimony in Dombey and Son | 第29-37页 |
4.1 The Melodramatic Mode | 第30-33页 |
4.2 Social Protest Buried in the Melodramatic Mode in Dombey and Son | 第33-37页 |
Chapter Ⅴ Discipline as the Remedy for the Marital distress in Copperfield | 第37-52页 |
5.1 Divorce as a Taboo in Victorian Ages | 第38-39页 |
5.2 Emma Micawber‘s Fantasy of Desertion | 第39-42页 |
5.3 The Married Miss Trotwood | 第42-47页 |
5.4 Annie Strong‘s Three Golden Morals and "Disciplined Heart" | 第47-50页 |
5.5 The Cultural Work of the Novel of Divorce | 第50-52页 |
Chapter Ⅵ Hard Times and the Matrimonial Petition | 第52-63页 |
6.1 Deceased Spouses in Hard Times | 第52-54页 |
6.2 Breaking the Parallels between the couples in Hard Times | 第54-56页 |
6.3 The Matrimonial Petition in Louisa‘s and Steven‘s Marriages | 第56-63页 |
Chapter Ⅶ Conclusion | 第63-67页 |
Bibliography | 第67-70
页 |